Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday loafing

Wilbur and I went for a walk today. I let him off the leash so he could play with a few other dogs. It was short lived since Wilbur can't really tell his limits and I didn't want him to over do it. As you can see, he's now very tuckered out.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Wilbur seems to have hit a bit of a plateau. We had been taking him for longer walks, but after two long walks back to back Wilbur seemed to be more stiff. We've re-started some of his anti-inflammatory medications which has helped a bit. One big change is that we've started leaving Wilbur home unattended during the day. Before we were crating the dogs while we were out, but in order to decrease his stiffness we thought it would be better if Wilbur could walk around and stretch during the day. I have to admit I was a little apprehensive the first few times, as Wilbur's known to have a love of garbage and anything left on the counter. Today I was pleasantly greeted by an excited pup, who thankfully had destroyed only the beef knuckle I had given him in the morning.

Friday, September 24, 2010

POD# ????

So I've lost track of how long ago Wilbur's surgery, which must be a good thing. He went for his longest walk today - a full 12 blocks (round trip). He seemed to enjoy it immensely and his limp is improving. I'll try and get some pics tomorrow of his re-growth - as Quinn said tonight during our walk "it's good, he's starting to look less gross."

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Wilbur's on a fairly steady recovery. He's still got a pretty serious limp, but it doesn't really seem to slow him down. Today we walked from 112th ave to 109th ave and back, which is the longest walk he's been on since his surgery. Since his trajectory seems good at the moment, I may not blog as frequently. Given my superstitions though, and the fact that he had to go for surgery after I closed the blog last time I will be leaving it open - maybe indefinitely! Feel free to check in from time, and I will add pics and stories a couple times a week.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Last night when I got home from Winnipeg we took Wilbur's staples out. He was awesome and didn't even flinch. It probably helped that Quinn had a hand full of food to distract him. He's so desperate to go for walks that he almost loses his mind when we touch his leash. Given the chilly, wet weather we've been having I suited up appropriately. I'm not sure why it looks like my hood is wet - that's weird, and from the look Wilbur's giving me I think he concurs.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Wilbur was apparently a little loafier today than usual. We've been taking him for slightly longer walks to try and remedy his boredom, but maybe they made him tired . . . It's hard to know! Life with Wilbur would be far more interesting if he could just tell us what's going on. I'm in my way to Winnipeg, so no posts from me over the weekend. For those of you interested in the graphic pics, make sure to check in on Sunday because I will be removing his staples and will post some photos on the blog, Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Wilbur's doing even better today . . . he's clearly got his spunk back AKA is frantic about any type of small mammals. Quinn took his bandage off, but he's snoozing now so I can't get a good pic of his staples. Yesterday Quinn opened a birthday package care of his dad - cookbooks and a salt pig and apparently Wilbur's just as taken with ceramic mammals as he is with the live ones.